The Pure Farm

The Pure Farm

Investing in nationals to feed the hungry

The Pure Farm is led by Stanimir Zahariev, a national of Bulgaria. Here, we grow fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to supply those in need. We feed the ever-growing elderly and poor communities and teach and train those without work how to farm for themselves. In 2019 alone we added four greenhouses so that we can use the land year-round and increase our capacity. Our goal is to consistently bring food and training and to perpetually add more land projects in all of the regions we are engaged in.

We have four acres of land that we are using to grow fresh, organic vegetables to supply people in need with healthy fruits and vegetables, to feed our ever-growing elderly and poor communities, and to teach and train those without work how to farm for themselves.

Feeding Program

According to the World Bank, more than 20% of Bulgarians live in poverty. While our holistic approach to ministry equips individuals to experience God’s provision and power in their lives, we also acknowledge that there are often extraordinary urgent needs. Our food program provides nourishing food, including produce grown at the Pure Farm, to local churches to distribute to families in need in their local communities. These programs provide meals, fellowship, community and hope for families living in extreme poverty. In 2020 the Feeding Program impacted over 450 families throughout Bulgaria.